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Initializes Firebase Authentication and makes it available via $fire.auth and $fireModule.auth.

  • Type: Boolean or Object
  • Default: false
auth: {
  persistence: 'local', // default
  initialize: {
    onAuthStateChangedMutation: 'ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION',
    onAuthStateChangedAction: 'onAuthStateChangedAction',
    subscribeManually: false
  ssr: false, // default
  emulatorPort: 9099,
  emulatorHost: 'http://localhost',


Set firebase auth persistence, see here.


This sets up an onAuthStateChanged() and/or onIdTokenChanged() listener and hooks them up to the vuex store.

Just add a mutation/action to your vuex store (as seen below) that handles what to do with the authUser object (e.g. save it to the state or get user data from FireStore) and then define the name of the action/mutation in the configuration as above.


You can also use namespaces for your store actions/mutations like so: onAuthStateChangedAction: 'namespaceName/actionName'.

When onAuthStateChanged() or onIdTokenChanged() get triggered by Firebase, the defined mutation/action will be called with the authUser and claims attributes as as seen below

To unsubscribe from both listeners simply call the $fireAuthStore.unsubscribe() function.

Be aware

This does not work in lazy-mode, since auth is not initialized. If you want to use this option in lazy-mode, call the authReady() function in a separate plugin.


ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION: (state, {authUser, claims}) => {
  if (!authUser) {
    // claims = null
    // perform logout operations
  } else {
    // Do something with the authUser and the claims object...

Be aware

Do not save the authUser directly to the store, since this will save an object reference to the state which gets directly updated by Firebase Auth periodically and therefore throws a vuex error if strict != false.

export const mutations = {
  ON_AUTH_STATE_CHANGED_MUTATION: (state, {authUser, claims}) => {
    // Don't do this:
    state.user = authUser

    // Do this:
    const {uid, email, emailVerified} = authUser
    state.user = {uid, email, emailVerified}


onAuthStateChangedAction: (ctx, {authUser, claims}) => {
  if (!authUser) {
    // claims = null
    // Perform logout operations
  } else {
    // Do something with the authUser and the claims object...


Same as onAuthStateChangedAction, but also gets triggered when the idToken changes (e.g. expires).

Be aware

The Firebase SDK automatically refreshed your id token, so this option shall only be used if you use the idToken for custom authentication scenarios.


Same as onAuthStateChangedMutation, but also gets triggered when the idToken changes (e.g. expires).

Be aware

The Firebase SDK automatically refreshed your id token, so this option shall only be used if you use the idToken for custom authentication scenarios.


By settings subscribeManually: true, the onAuthStateChanged() listener won't be set up until you call it manually:

// e.g. in a seperate Plugin

This is needed in case you need to start other plugins after Firebase is initialized but before onAuthStateChanged() is set up.


For example with the Sentry module, you migth want to set some user-related information in Sentry each time onAuthStateChanged is triggered. In that case, Sentry needs to be setup before onAuthStateChanged().

You can achieve this by manually calling this.$fireAuthStore.subscribe() after Sentry has been initialized.


This sets up SSR ready functionality with minimal effort.

If ssr = true, the module generates a service worker that refreshes the Firebase Auth idToken and sends it with each request to the server if the user is logged in, as described here.

The option further adds a plugin that checks on server side if the token is valid and then injects a simplified admin.auth.UserRecord into the context variable res.locals.user.

The simplified user record contains the following properties:

  • uid: The users uid
  • email: The users email
  • emailVerified: If the email was verified
  • displayName: The users display name
  • allClaims: All claims from the admin.auth.DecodedIdToken

The injected user can be used by context aware life cycle hooks on the server side (e.g. the store action nuxtServerInit).

A tutorial on how to set this up can be found here.

Please Note

This does not authenticate the Firebase Client SDK on the server. While you will be able to know if a user is logged in or not and have access to its simplified properties, you won't be able to do authenticated calls on server-side.

This means that all calls on server-side (e.g. fetching data via Firestore in fetch-hooks), which are protected by security rules, will still fail with insufficient privileges.

Reason for this is that the Firebase JS SDK is a client-side library that is not built for authenticating multiple users. See the serverlogin option for an experimental approach to solve this issue.


The service worker session automatically ignores external resources, static files and HMR calls. If you need to ignore additional routes, define them here.

auth: {
  ssr: {
    ignorePaths: [
      '/admin', // path is ignored if url.pathname.startsWith('/admin')
      /^api/, // path is ignored if url.pathname without the leading slash (/) matches the RegExp


Enables Firebase admin authorization.

auth: {
  ssr: {
    // retrieved credentials from GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable
    credential: true

    // provide the path to the service account file
    // CAREFUL - don't deploy to publicly accessible location!
    credential: '/absolute/path/to/serviceAccount.json'

    // nuxt aliases are supported
    credential: '~/assets/serviceAccount.json'

If you want additional information on the user the module can inject a full admin.auth.UserRecord into the ctx.res.locals.user property.

The allClaims property is set in addition to the default user record properties.

To enable this you can authorize the firebase admin by generating a service account key and link to it with this configuration.


NEVER deploy your service account key to a publicly accessible location

The service account key file is highly sensitive as it grants full access to your firebase project.

In production always prefer providing the path to the key file through the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable (auth.ssr.credential = true) and store the key file in a location which is not exposed by your webserver.


Enables server side Firebase client SDK login.

auth: {
  ssr: {
    // Set 'credential' as described above.

    serverLogin: true
    // or
    serverLogin: {
      // Takes a duration in milliseconds
      sessionLifetime: 0 // default (session is kept only for the duration of the request)
      // Takes a duration in milliseconds
      loginDelay: 50 // default (20 queries per second = minimum recommended delay)

Once you have properly setup the admin sdk via the credential option you can enable server side login to use firebase services on the server, e.g. to perform store hydration on page load.

Simply set auth.ssr.serverLogin = true.

The module creates a separate firebase app/session for every authenticated user to avoid authorization context leakage.

You can configure the session lifetime with auth.ssr.serverLogin.sessionLifetime

Be aware

Programmatic server implementation

If you are using an external server implementation to start nuxt programmatically:

  • The @nuxtjs/firebase module has to be included in your server package (yarn add @nuxtjs/firebase).

  • Make sure to initialize the nuxt build outside of the server request callback for session management to work properly:

    import express from 'express'
    import {Nuxt} from 'nuxt'
    const server = express()
    // do this outside of the server callback so the nuxt build is kept in memory
    const nuxt = new Nuxt({
      dev: false,
      buildDir: '.nuxt',
    server.use(async (req, res, next) => {
      // this will resolve immediately after the first render
      await nuxt.ready()
      nuxt.render(req, res, next)


Do not use this feature for high traffic sites

This module provides this feature to facilitate data hydration in SSR calls.

However, the client SDK is not intended for use on a server.

Authentication is rate limited by IP for security reasons by Firebase. The base limit is 20 QPS / IP (as of March 2020) and a couple dozen logins per user per 10 minutes, but it’s subject to change as needed, without notice by Firebase.

Try to reduce the need for SSR by providing pre-rendered pages (nuxt generate) through static hosting and only fall back on SSR for authenticated and dynamic routes.

If you run into rate limiting issues try adjusting the serverLogin.loginDelay configuration.


Do not use the Client SDK in API Operations

If you have an API which is served over Nuxt SSR:

  1. Please ensure it does not use firebase client sdk functionality (e.g. auth, firestore, storage, ...).
    Instead use the corresponding functionality of a fully authenticated firebase-admin instance.
  2. Add the API base path (e.g. '/api/') to the auth.ssr.ignorePaths configuration.

Be aware


  • Type: Integer
  • Default: null

Sets up useEmulator("http://localhost:EMULATOR_PORT") to point to an Authentication emulator running locally instead of the production one.

More information in the official Firebase Guide to connect your app to the Authentication Emulator.


To not use the emulator in production you can do the following:

emulatorPort: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 9099 : undefined


  • Type: String
  • Default: http://localhost,

Changes the host used for the Authentication emulator. Only applies if the emulatorPort is set.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Disables the auth emulators warning messages, see here.

Example of SignIn with a provider Google

try {
  const provider = new this.$fireModule.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
  const user = await this.$fire.auth.signInWithPopup(provider)
  console.log(user) // here you can do what you want with the user data
  this.$router.push('/') // that return from firebase
} catch (e) {
  // handle the error

The same code with work with facebook as well just change it to FacebookAuthProvider Full example is here.